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Announcement of Brian’s Retirement and New VP of Engineering

Written on: May 13, 2024

A lined notebook with a pencil on top of it. Also, contains a cup of coffee on the side.

Harper Engineering is announcing the retirement of Brian Henderson, who's risen in the ranks of Harper's engineering room to VP of Engineering. In Brian's time at Harper, the company has grown from 25 employees to more than triple in size, with the engineering department seeing similar growth.Shortly after Brian's arrival at Harper Engineering, work began on the design and qualification many Boeing 787 interior mechanisms, fostering the aforementioned growth and a move to a new building to fulfill those responsibilities and so much more.To facilitate Brian's retirement, Harper Engineering brought Dustin Thornton onto the team in June of 2023 in a transitional role. Since then, Dustin and Brian have shared information and assessed the assets and needs of the engineering staff to ensure a smooth transition and chart a path for excellence and growth. Harper is excited to announce Dustin as our VP of Engineering and Programs.Harper valued Dustin's aviation experience including leading large teams and overseeing major projects at HAECO, B/E Aerospace (Collins) running the gamut of super first class interiors, reconfiguration/interior modifications, structure designs and seating projects.Harper Engineering looks forward to building onto our reputation of creating innovative solutions, designed and built with quality, and delivered on time.About Harper Engineering:Harper Engineering is a leading provider of innovative solutions for the aerospace industry. With a focus on quality, precision, and reliability, Harper Engineering delivers cutting-edge products and services that meet the evolving needs of its customers.